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What is the aging balance report?

The aging balance is an key tool for collection management and performance evaluation. It shows what is the breakdown of receivable according to their age relative to their due date.

It highlights if the situation of accounts receivable is healthy (few late payments and especially no old overdue) or bad (high overdue with some of them very old).

 The collection probability decreases rapidly with seniority of invoices. For example, invoices 90 days late are paid in only 70% of cases. And only 50% after 6 months.

The graph

It represents the aging brackets [Current | 0-30D | 31-60D | 61-90D | More 90D] for all your customers.

 The aging balance bracket can be customized: up to 7 brackets and time slot can be changed.

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The aging balance can be filtered by:

It's possible to set the overdue %, in order to concentrate your efforts from a certain bracket:

The change done here is valid on the whole platform (global view, customer file indicators, etc.).

The Aging balance can be displayed at an earlier date with the « Situation on ... » button. This approach is particularly relevant to review the evolution of overdue from one day to the next and to observe developments on previous dates (for example, at the end of each month, or from one year to the next).

The table

By default this list highlights the aging balance per customer that can be sorted and filtered in many ways to target clients on which you want to act.

For example, a descending sort on overdue more than 90 days will show customers who have unpaid bills for a long time with as consequences a high risk for the cash and the profitability of your business.

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